Please HELP us adopt
By liking and sharing our social info!
We know all this info can seem overwhelming so feel free to jump around, look at pictures, scan for what interests you, or contact us directly. We have an FAQ (questions page) but will repeat the more crucial details under multiple pages.
We thank you for taking the time to look over our story. We know it takes a lot of love and courage to seek out the option of adoption and understand you have a tough decision ahead. We hope we can offer you some peace of mind that we have a loving home, a place in our hearts, and want to step in where we there is a need.
Jill here. I’m taking the lead on the social media/website and still learning this side of things so please be patient as I muddle through. Our goal is mainly to get our information out and see where this takes us.
Our hope is to adopt a toddler or preschool aged girl, but for more specifics on why we want to adopt and what we are looking for, check our “ADOPTION” Page.

Get to know us through pictures, stories, and insights!

Learn what we’re looking for, why we’re choosing this route, and what our hopes and expectations for the future are.

Learn what day to day life looks like for us, see how a child fits into our lives, and get a glimpse inside our home.

See what we like to do for fun, places we go, and learn a bit more on some of our broader interests.

Since animals are an important part of the adoption equation, we are including a page on our cat, Haley.

While many questions are answered throughout the site, we felt it would be helpful to compile the more pertinent questions all on one page.